If you were wondering, yes, in fact, we are having resonate tomorrow night at our usual 6 pm time.
We know it's a unique time to meet, but we're really looking forward to it!
We can think of no better way to start the evening of celebration on New Year's Eve than to spend time reflecting, anticipating and celebrating together at resonate. It's going to be a unique worship experience where we look back on God's faithfulness in the past year, celebrate the joy of the present and look forward with anticipation to God's promises for His people in 2007.
It will have more of a laid-back, intimate Vespers-type feel...shorter teaching, extended worship time and an opportunity to engage with and participate in worship stations around the room. (If you're unfamiliar with worship stations, you can read more about it in a previous post I made here).
Maybe you've been reading about or hearing about resonate this fall, but haven't been able to attend yet. Consider coming out and joining us as we lean into a new year - and then head on to your New Year's Eve dinners, parties and celebrations afterwards.
Hope to see you tomorrow night.
The service was in two words, "awesome encounters." I LOVED IT!! What a great time to reflect and remember, to look forward and to hope and believe. WOW
Posted by: Amber | January 01, 2007 at 11:46 PM