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February 15, 2008


john chandler

I'm a lover of moleskines. I usually prefer to write on my computer, but something about having a moleskine with pages waiting to be filled stirs me toward thinking and writing.

It was great to meet you this week...looking forward to more great dialogue with you, whether via blogging or face to face.



How crazy. I just purchased some moleskines and while I was online I thought I'd check your blog. One click later and the post is on moleskines.

I know it's weird to actually have an opinion on journals - but they are tops.



Morley and John -

Yes, it does seem weird to have a passion for journals, but they do draw us in and invite us to write more.

I wish I had a large gift certificate for Moleskine...I would go to town!


We should start a Moleskine users blog, a confessional space for Moleskine-dependent junkies like me.


Matt loves moleskines! He received some for Christmas and like you, keeps it in his back pocket. I must say, it's not only been a great journal for him but he also uses it to keep track of 'honey-do' lists more consistently, which I guess makes me a lover of moleskines also!

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