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August 16, 2008



Hi J.R. thank you for posting this interesting and challenging summary. It is very timely for me because I have received a great deal of emotional healing for family-related issues these past 4 months. Suddenly I have compassion for people I thought I would never be able to understand. I had a great visit with my Dad the other day. I connected with him better than I have my entire 40+ years. I am more at peace now with a deceased older, "favored" sibling.

All of this came at a great price, though. I attempted to join in on some ministries at a large church. I could not understand the subtle feedback they were trying to give me. There were other issues but I think the indirectness in their communication, and irrelevance of the formal application process were what did it for me. The verses from Matthew can help me to review my part in what happened with those well-intentioned people. I have found much more grace in 12 step programs than I have found in the church. Part of the grace I see in this case is not to retaliate or defend myself as I try to gently exit. There is someone I was very close to at that large church. These verses can guide me in a way to succinctly tell this person why I can no longer attend any event at that church. Defending myself and blaming others will not be respectful to my Lord Jesus Christ. I had no idea that 1 Corinth 9 would become a life chapter for me, back in high school. I now have a deeper understanding of folks who have been so hurt by church politics that they never want to return. I still have faith that there is a place for me in a church somewhere. I want to be able to "be all things to all men" and give understanding for those who have lost that faith. But I cannot do all that on my own. I need the Holy Spirit and continual reminders that it is not all up to me.

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