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August 08, 2008



Hi J.R. thank you for posting your enthusiasm about the Olympics. It brought me back to a now bittersweet memory regarding a former pastor of mine in Boston, early 90's.

I had been excited about the 1992 winter olympics, partly because I they reminded me of an inspirational sermon, and partly because at that time I had heard of paul wylie, a figure skater who I had heard was attending some Bible studies at Harvard. The pastor had just given up a great deal of sports watching, including the Olympics. There was a disconnect between us, as he wanted to express his disappointment that what was sin to him was not sin to me. I wanted to express how inspirational it can be to hear about a fellow believer competing in the Games. I also wanted to talk about a passage of scripture that mentions sports and competition in the context of grace.

I remember hearing a sermon on 1Corinth 9:24, way back when I was in high school, about racing and running for a prize. I looked the verse up again and the verses before it talk about being all things to all men for the sake of the Gospel.

I am happy for all of the people you mention, and of course for Michael Phelps. I was a distance swimmer in college a long time ago. It is my prayer for Christians everywhere - pastors and parishioners alike - to find a common ground to talk about sin and conviction. I definitely want to run in a way as to get the prize. I don't want to miss out on experiencing God's grace, or in giving grace and mercy to someone under conviction.

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