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November 25, 2008




This is such a great teaching. If everybody could just remember this, the world will slowly, but surely become a saved and holy place.

PS, I am currently reading your book, When God says Jump. Thanks for it. Started reading it this morning, and it has already started to change me in subtle ways.



This is such a great teaching. If everybody could just remember this, the world will slowly, but surely become a saved and holy place.

PS, I am currently reading your book, When God says Jump. Thanks for it. Started reading it this morning, and it has already started to change me in subtle ways.


J.R. -

I was struck by just how important it is to provide our communities with missional icons, symbols of our collective passion to immerse (tobacco-loving and tobacco-hating) people in the trinitarian reality of God. The ashtray is such a powerful reminder of this. Thanks for the idea!


Tom Smith

Fantastic stuff my friend!


So, is the the "Emergent Church" concept?


Thank You for sharing this....I enjoyed reading the Passage Results from Our International Bible Version...now , the key is here...."How deep do we relect on those writings from the Bible; or, is it just the ones that work well for the moment, and time of use...Great Post! Rahab

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